UNISON has launched a new online training module to introduce activists to the topic of apprenticeships. Following the story of ‘Josh’, a fictional apprentice, it explores the obligations on the employer, the rights of the apprentice, and the opportunities for UNISON.
It will provide you with some essential information about UNISON’s approach to apprenticeships, give you some ideas about how to support apprentices, and help signpost you to additional resources.
It explains the requirements of the new Apprenticeship Levy and how this affects employers where UNISON organises.
It is a short, informal module, designed to allow learners to work through an overview of the topic at their own pace, and features a series of interactive activities.
You can find it along with similar online modules on the web at e-learning.unison.org.uk.
This is a member-only site and you will need to register if you haven’t already. There is a prompt that will take you to an easy-to-use registration form if you’re not already signed up.