Learning At Work Week is an ideal opportunity for union learning reps and other UNISON activists to promote learning in the workplace, to raise the union’s profile, and to start conversations about training needs with the employer and with colleagues. It can also be a lot of fun!
Co-ordinated by the Campaign for Learning, it takes place this year from 14th-20th May, and the theme is networked for learning. Here are just a few ideas to get you started…
Make a splash
Over the last couple of years, UNISON Blackpool Health branch have developed a reputation for starting Learning at Work Week with a bang and carrying it through in style. Here’s their fabulous flashmob from 2016:
New workshops
UNISON Learning and Organising Services has developed a suite of taster workshops exploring literacy and numeracy concepts in a light-hearted and reassuring way. They can be run by ULRs (or other UNISON activists or organisers) who have had lay tutor or discussion leaders training.
- Fun with numbers – looks at where maths appears in everyday life
- Reading for pleasure – explores reading habits and preferences, and introduces critical reading skills
- Creative writing – introduces some easy creative writing activities
- Get into the grammar groove – explores strategies to improve written English
Celebrate National Numeracy Day
The first ever National Numeracy Day will take place on 16th May, right in the middle of Learning At Work Week, and UNISON is proud to be a champion. There are all sorts of resources for enjoyable, low-pressure activities available on the website.
Visit the National Numeracy Day website
Apply for funding
Remember that UNISON branches in England can apply for Kickstart funding to help get learning activities off the ground. This could help to cover the cost of:
- venue hire (if your planned activity needs a bigger room)
- refreshments (maybe you could run a ‘lunch and learn’ session)
- equipment hire (perhaps tablets for a digital learning session)
- materials (for a craft workshop)
Share ideas
There are all sorts of ideas and resources shared on the Organising Space, both under the Learning and Development tile and in the Organising Through Learning chat. Why not have a look and see what you can find – and share your own ideas?
Photo © Jess Hurd/reportdigital.co.uk