Are you interested in an opportunity to get involved in running training and education for UNISON members and other adults?
UNISON in collaboration with one of our education partners, the Workers Educational Association (WEA), is seeking UNISON members to become part-time tutors for the WEA to teach and train on a variety of membership and other programmes.
UNISON already has an existing pool of lay tutors, consisting of union learning reps (ULRs) and other activists that have been tutor trained to deliver branch based member learning workshops and, in some regions, a wider range of courses at regional level. UNISON is now seeking to expand its involvement of UNISON members and would like to offer this exciting opportunity to you.
We are looking for
- members with a strong interest in learning and education.
- members who are already lay tutors for UNISON
- members with experience as a union learning rep or other learning and development roles.
- members with union representative experience (representing members, health and safety rep, pensions rep, branch activists and officers etc)
- members with a good base level of education and prepared to undertake further training
- members with time and opportunity to undertake training assignments, e.g.
- part time or shift workers who have days or half days when they are free;
- members whose employer may support half days or days off work for involvement in training;
- members free at evenings and weekends.
What do you need to do?
Usually teachers in the WEA need formal qualifications. But the WEA has wide experience of people with drive and determination becoming involved in learning activities with them, often as a student, then as a volunteer, and progressing to becoming a teacher. We call it “growing our own tutors.”
Essentially we are looking for people who might develop the approaches, attitudes and skills that make them good teachers. If you are interested in being considered, then click on the link below, in order to submit an expression of interest.
Click here to register your interest.
WEA will be in contact with you in due course.