UNISON members at Enfield Local Government branch have found out about ways of dealing with stress in a workshop delivered as part of the union’s member learning programme.
In the Staying Strong workshop, participants explore different types of stress and what causes it. They identify sources of stress in their own lives, and consider how to reduce it, before learning about some techniques to counter the effects of stress.
The group, who came from schools across the borough, found out about the Avoid – Alter – Accept model of dealing with stress:
Is it possible to avoid the source of stress? Is it possible to alter it? And if neither of those is possible, simply accepting it may make it easier to deal with.
One participant said,
First time on this type of course. I felt relaxed and enjoyed it.
and another commented,
Thank you for a nice session and the reminder that we need to take time out to look after ourselves.
The workshop was delivered by Oreleo Du Cran from UNISON Learning and Organising Services. Oreleo said,
I really enjoyed working with such a diverse group of learners who really embraced the elements of the course and gave great feedback. Each learner benefited from learning how to reduce and manage their stress levels which we at UNISON believe leads to increased level of wellbeing.
If you’re interested in running this workshop in your own branch, contact your UNISON learning rep or regional education team. Workshop materials can be requested from learningandorganising@unison.co.uk