For the third consecutive year UNISON Eastern ran its Activist Summer School from 12-16 August, which saw the region once again taking over all available teaching rooms at Cambridge Professional Development Centre. This year saw an increase in courses offered and an incredible number of activists and members attending. From New Stewards, to Dyslexia in the Workplace, Assertiveness for Women, to the first UNISON Menopause in the Workplace course and much more; 12 courses in total were run with nearly 150 participants over the course of the week – the event was literally buzzing with lots of learning, networking, much laughter and high positive emotions experienced throughout the whole event.
Activists and members were quick to praise the event in person, via email and on social media with many describing the event and courses as ‘inspirational’, ‘well organised’, and one activist even stating they’d had a ‘eureka’ moment.
Using a mix of TUC and externally commissioned tutors and the region’s own organisers made the smooth running of the courses possible. With the provision of stalls the attendance of UNISON service providers and member learning gave attendees opportunities to discover more about what UNISON is about and does. The attendance and speech of the regional secretary midweek always goes down well, with this year being no exception – there was even some time for some vox-populi filming of attendees for a promotional video for next year’s event!