Hate destroys lives. HOPE not Hate Charitable Trust works in the UK to build communities and celebrate shared identities. They campaign for a world free from mistrust and racism.
HOPE not Hate was established to offer a positive and community-focused way of doing anti-fascism. Across the UK, HOPE not Hate Charitable Trust has worked tirelessly on the ground with local people to defeat the politics of hate. Their campaigning has always been backed up by first class research and intelligence. They have exposed the illegal activities of extremist groups, and been able to foil serious plots to commit acts of violence and even terror.
With the UK becoming ever more divided it is vital that we learn to have productive conversations with those who disagree with us to help combat racism, xenophobia and all forms of prejudice.
What will the workshop cover?
This session offers effective methods for changing the minds of people who have deeply-held, irrational views that are racist or xenophobic, without relying on “myth-busting” techniques.
We explore practices that seek to understand people’s perspectives, rather than focus on their objectionable conclusions.
Dates and times:
There will be four workshops on offer for UNISON members and each session will last for approximately 90 minutes.
- Monday 12th October – 10 am – 11.30 am
- Monday 12th October – 2 pm – 3.30 pm
- Thursday 15th October – 10 am – 11.30 am
- Thursday 15th October – 2 pm – 3.30 pm
Spaces are limited to 20 members per session.
How will the session be delivered?
The workshops will be delivered online using Zoom.
To apply, complete the form below.