The last few months have seen record numbers joining our union – members we’re glad to welcome. But we know that becoming a member is only half the story. If UNISON is to continue to grow and organise we need more active members to take up an activist role – if you’re interested in finding out how you can help, come along to the Activist Café – Tea at 3 event hosted by Roger McKenzie, assistant general secretary, every Friday.
We know that members who participate in union learning are more likely to become active in the union.
This will be a friendly and informal session. Activists are welcome to contribute to the discussion, or just to sit in, whichever feels more comfortable.
To join the meeting, you’ll just need to follow the link below at 3pm on Friday. We look forward to welcoming you then!
If you want to download the GoTo app ahead of time, you can find it here: