Shahida Noor is one of the thousands of UNISON members who have taken advantage of our online learning offer from the Skills Academy. UNISON Learning and Organising Services’ Dan Simmonds asked her about her experience…
How did you find out about the learning available from UNISON?
I found out via an email from UNISON and was pleased to discover that the Skills Academy courses were available for free via UNISON as they can be very expensive when purchased individually.
What is the name of the course you studied?
Basic CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and then Advanced CBT. I am in the middle of completing a Food and Nutrition Diploma
What did you like about it?
You are assessed on your knowledge as you go through the course at the end of each module. I can also save all of the course notes for future reference.
How important is learning for you?
It is always important to learn new things; learning is so important to mental wellbeing, especially at the moment.
How does learning help people?
Learning broadens people’s knowledge. In my case I have done a few hours of what I call ‘lockdown learning’ each week. It is very important to have access to learning as it shows you are always developing which can be important if, for example, you’re applying for new jobs.
We’re campaigning to save the Union Learning Fund, which the government have announced they’ll axe in March.
Here’s how you can help:
Sign the petition to Save Union Learning
Write to your MP: