Our advanced employment law courses have always been popular and aim to supplement the range of training offered at regional level. These courses are aimed at experienced workplace representatives, who should be ERA accredited and have a basic understanding of employment law (for example, through having completed an Introduction to Employment Law course in their region). We are now publishing the advanced courses that will be delivered online for the remainder of 2021.
These courses are suitable for any experienced rep, not just those who identify with or have an interest in a particular equality strand. Any rep may find themselves asked to deal with a case which turns out to have a discrimination element, and it is important to be able to recognise that and deal with it appropriately.
Disability Discrimination Law refresher
The first in this series will be the Disability Discrimination Law refresher. This half-day course is aimed at reps who already have a good knowledge of disability discrimination law (for example, through having attended the national Disability Discrimination Law course in the past). It specifically addresses issues of disability arising from and related to COVID-19.
Disability Discrimination Law refresher
Race Discrimination Law
New for 2021 is a one-day online course on race discrimination law. It can be difficult to recognise when members have a realistic chance of proving race discrimination and activists may feel unconfident in this area. This course will give practical skills for discussing the matter with members and recognising possible cases. More generally, it will build skills of interviewing members and analysing evidence which can be applied to any work problem.
Further discrimination law courses will follow: the full Disability Discrimination Law course and a one day Sex Discrimination course are scheduled for the autumn, and in the future we will be offering courses on Sexual Orientation Discrimination Law, Gender Identity Discrimination Law, and Sexual Harassment Law. Completion of each of these courses will count towards a UNISON certified equality passport.
The race discrimination course makes an ideal beginning to this passport, providing a solid understanding of the concepts of direct discrimination, indirect discrimination and victimisation, which will help activists analyse and discuss social patterns of discrimination.
Further advanced employment law courses
Further advanced employment law course have been scheduled, including:
- Contracts, Redundancy and TUPE law, 24-27 August.
- Sex Discrimination Law, 14 October. Register here
- Disability Discrimination Law, 3, 10, 17 November. Register here