With holiday season upon us, many of us are breathing a sigh of relief and taking a break before we look ahead to the rest of the year.
And there’s plenty to look forward to this autumn. We’re continuing to expand our online learning offer for UNISON members and for UNISON activists.
Free online learning for UNISON members with Skills Academy
You can learn at your own pace and to suit your own taste with the Skills Academy’s offer of over 600 free online courses. Whether you’re looking to learn for your professional development or for your personal fulfilment, there’s sure to be something there to interest you.
If the summer is a quieter period for you, it’s worth taking a look at what’s on offer.
Training for UNISON learning reps
We’ll be running our introductory training for UNISON learning reps (ULRs) again this autumn. Over four sessions – one morning per week – you’ll learn about the role of the learning rep, making the case for learning, and how to find out what (and how!) people want to learn.
Mental health at work
Mental health at work is a health and safety issue. This course for health and safety reps and other activists with an interest in the subject is a prerequisite for all our other mental health training for activists. Our national online course begins on 21 September.
Introduction to employment rights and contract law
UNISON stewards who have completed their introductory training can take the next step by attending this three-session course on employment rights and contract law. You will learn about what employment rights are and how they’re defined, the basics of contracts of employment, the different types of dismissal, and an overview of discrimination law.
Sex discrimination law
For experienced reps who have completed an Introduction to Employment Law course, our upcoming Sex Discrimination Law course would be a good first step into a deeper understanding of employment law, and counts towards our new discrimination law passport. This course is suitable for any experienced rep, not just those who identify with or have an interest in a particular equality strand. Any rep may find themselves asked to deal with a case which turns out to have a discrimination element, and it is important to be able to recognise that and deal with it appropriately.