UNISON training is designed to give you the skills you need to carry out your role, and all courses are free to the UNISON member, although there may be a charge to your branch. You should start with the induction training indicated for your role. After that, you can progress through the development training according to your interests and the branch’s needs. Discuss further optional courses and pathways with your branch education co-ordinator or union learning rep.
U-Train sets out the range of courses available for activists and members through UNISON
Download a clickable version of the U-Train brochure
Download a print quality version of the U-Train brochure
Or follow the links below to find out about the courses available.
- Training for specific roles
- Tutor training
- Bargaining and negotiating
- Equalities and campaigning
- Employment law (development)
- Employment law (advanced)
- Branch development and organising
- National committee courses
- Member learning
Training for specific roles
Workplace representative (steward)
Training for workplace representatives (stewards) includes:
- Stage 1 stewards course
- Stage 2 stewards course
- Developing representation skills
- Dealing with online hearings
- Capability hearings
- Introduction to negotiating skills
- Further representation skills
- Team negotiating skills
- ERA reaccreditation
Health and Safety representative
Training for Health & Safety reps includes:
- Organising for health and safety
- Tackling stress in the workplace
- Bullying at work
- Sickness absence policies
Union learning representatives (ULRs)
Training for union learning reps includes:
Branch officers
Tutor training
UNISON’s tutor training programme is primarily aimed at ULRs who want to develop their skills in trade union education, but is also relevant for branch officers who may wish to lead workshops or discussions in the branch.
Bargaining and negotiating
Reps and branch officers can develop their bargaining and negotiating skills with courses designed to enhance knowledge and improve confidence in dealings with management.
- Team negotiating skills
- Procurement
- Dealing with reorganisation
- Introduction to job evaluation
- Handling basic pensions enquiries
- Introduction to equal pay
Equalities and campaigning
A range of courses to equip activists with the skills and knowledge to organise and campaign effectively around political and equalities issues.
- Challenging racism in the workplace
- Making equality central to your union practice
- Equality in the branch
- Strategic campaigning
- Self-organised group specific training
- Mental health awareness
Employment law (development)
Employment law is an enormous and complex subject. These introductory courses are designed to give participants an overview and general feel for how employment law works, and areas where it is likely to apply.
- Introduction to employment law
- Disability discrimination law
- Race and sex discrimination law
- Contracts of employment
- Unfair dismissals
- Work/life balance
Employment law (advanced)
UNISON Learning and Organising Services run a programme of advanced employment law courses, which supplement the training offered at regional level. They are aimed at ERA accredited representatives who have a basic understanding of employment law.
As a minimum, reps must have completed theĀ Introduction to Employment Law course before applying for any of the advanced employment law courses.
- Contracts, Redundancy and TUPE
- Disability Discrimination Law
- Race Discrimination Law
- Sex Discrimination Law
- Maternity and Parental Rights
- Sexual Orientation Discrimination Law
- Sexual Harassment Law
- Gender Identity Discrimination Law
- Religion and Belief Discrimination Law
- Age Discrimination Law
Upcoming advanced employment law courses are advertised on the Events page.
Branch development and organising
A range of courses intended to encourage members into activism, and to help the UNISON branch become better organised and more efficiently run.
- Pathways into UNISON
- Mentoring in the UNISON branch
- Digital organising
- Political education workshops
- Organising workshops
- Social media
National committee courses
Training is available for members of the national executive council (NEC), and members of national service group and self-organised group committees and sub-committees. Courses include:
- Leadership development
- Dealing with paperwork
- Speaking with confidence
- Chairing skills
- Smooth running: standing orders committees
If you are a member of a national committee you will be sent details of the courses available.
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Member learning
UNISON provides a wide variety of learning for our members, from confidence building to continuing professional development.
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Regional programmes may differ – talk to your union learning rep to find out what’s available near you.
Short workshops
Ready to run workshop materials are available from UNISON Learning and Organising Services. Contact LearningAndOrganising@unison.co.uk for materials.
Visit e-learning.unison.org.uk and sign in with your My.UNISON account to find short online modules.
How to apply
To apply, talk to your branch education co-ordinator, or you can find contact details for your regional education team here.