ULR training courses are organised both regionally and nationally. Where possible, you should aim to attend a course in your region. This will give you the opportunity to meet other activists near you and learn about specific support and resources that are available in your region.
Learning and Organising Services are running a limited number of national courses.
ULR stage 1
The core course for new union learning representatives explains UNISON’s approach to lifelong learning and helping working people to gain skills and qualifications and learn for personal fulfilment.
With a focus on those who have traditionally been excluded from learning, you will learn how you can work with members and employers to identify learning needs, promote UNISON’s learning offer, and organise around learning.
You can find out more about being a ULR by completing our short online learning module introducing the role, which you can find on our e-learning site.
Some regions organise training for ULRs, and UNISON learning and organising services also run national courses.
Dyslexia in the workplace
This course is for union learning representatives who want to improve their understanding of dyslexia and how it affects people in the workplace.
The course runs for two days and involves individual activities, group work and discussion as well as finding out information from your employer and outside sources. It is NOT designed to make you a ‘dyslexia expert’ but to introduce you to some of the key issues facing individuals, the trade union and the employing organisation. In particular, the course aims to help you to:
- understand the most common characteristics associated with dyslexia;
- understand the barriers to learning and functioning successfully at work faced by people with dyslexia and also learn about their strengths and what gifts they might bring;
- consider how you might support colleagues in the workplace who are experiencing difficulties associated with dyslexia.
Tutor training
Some union learning reps want to lead learning activities themselves, and take on the role of a tutor. Our tutor training pathway includes the following courses:
- Discussion Leaders
- Lay Tutor
- Equalities for Tutors
How to get in touch with your regional education team
Photo © Jess Hurd/reportdigital.co.uk