UNISON wins WEA award for learning work

UNISON has been recognised by the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) as its National Strategic Partner of the year. The award marks ‘the degree to which a strategic partnership has enabled WEA to raise profile, influence the sector and raise educational aspirations.’ Roger McKenzie, assistant general secretary for organising and recruitment, said, ‘Our work with the […]

Making sense of Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships

UNISON Learning and Organising Services have developed a course designed to help activists make sense of Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) in response to a request from the Health service group executive. STPs were developed across England last year by 44 local areas known as footprints; their stated aims included better integration between health and […]

Working out that maths equals fun

Learning charity National Numeracy joined UNISON to embed numeracy in the Preceptorship programme for newly qualified nurses at Blackpool Victoria Hospital on Monday 9 October, as part of unionlearn’s #mathsworkout week. Tom Jenkins, UNISON’s regional learning and development organiser for the North West, delivered a ‘Fun with Numbers’ workshop to around 50 nurses. Activities included […]

Apprentices pool their knowledge in Dorset

Apprentices in Poole local government branch, Dorset, have been meeting to discuss learning opportunities open to them. Union learning rep Pete Stratford was instrumental in setting up the group. Pete says, Our Apprentice Learning Network came about following my experience as a public service manager employing apprentices. I was aware that apprentices were often isolated […]

A learning journey through UNISON

Ian began his learning journey when he left school in 2005, studying horticulture at college. He then completed an apprenticeship in the same subject, which led to a full time post as a gardener for Rochdale Borough Council where he began his 10 year UNISON membership. Before long, Ian took up a workplace union position […]

Dealing with Paperwork

One of the most intimidating things about joining one of UNISON’s committees can be the amount of paperwork that comes your way. The Dealing with Committee Paperwork developed by UNISON’s Learning and Organising Services is designed to make that easier. The course covers: using four speed-reading techniques and how to effectively skim and scan practical […]

An introduction to apprenticeships: UNISON’s new e-note

UNISON has launched a new online training module to introduce activists to the topic of apprenticeships. Following the story of ‘Josh’, a fictional apprentice, it explores the obligations on the employer, the rights of the apprentice, and the opportunities for UNISON. It will provide you with some essential information about UNISON’s approach to apprenticeships, give […]

A week with UNISON North West: supporting learning and development for schools staff

During the first week of the summer holidays UNISON North West hosted a full week of short courses for school support staff. A total of 150 teaching assistants, learning support, admin support and midday supervisors enrolled onto a diverse range of workshops throughout the week. Monday 24 July Members started the week with a one […]

Not just for when things go wrong: the value of union learning

Five UNISON learning reps (ULRs) from across the union shared their experiences at a fringe event at national delegate conference in Brighton last month. Chris Tansley, from the national executive council, introduced the event, which also included a ‘have a go’ session where participants tried out some of the online learning opportunities offered by UNISON’s […]