There’s no need to create a new you for the new year! Join UNISON’s Skills Club instead and learn new skills. You can top up your continuous professional development (CPD) or learn for fun and find new interesting topics to explore. Each month from January onwards UNISON will curate an online course for the Skills […]
Looking back We’d like to say a big thank you… To UNISON members, for keeping our public services running through a second challenging year. To UNISON activists, for supporting our members in the challenges they’ve faced at work, standing up for workers’ rights. To UNISON learning reps and lifelong learning coordinators, for opening up learning […]
UNISON reps are the face of our union. Whether they’re stewards (workplace representatives), health and safety reps, or union learning reps, they’re the people who, day in, day out, do the work of making public service workplaces fairer, safer, and more fulfilling places to be. But our reps need to be confident in their skills […]
These last two years have been challenging in many ways – not least financially. And the winter months bring money challenges of their own. This autumn, UNISON Learning and Organising and There For You worked with The Money Charity to bring UNISON members a webinar on financial wellbeing. Lynsey Sykes Davis from The Money Charity […]
UNISON is pleased to support Get Online week in October, and is marking the event with the launch of a series of basic digital skills workshops. Get Online Week is a digital inclusion campaign organised by Good Things Foundation. With 9 million adults in the UK unable to get online without help, over 13 million lacking the […]
This autumn we have an exciting programme of learning events for UNISON members and activists. We’ll be working with organisations including The Money Charity, Hydrocracker Theatre Company, and Cruse Bereavement Care, as well as our own in-house experts, to bring you the knowledge and skills you need. Whether you’re looking to improve your financial wellbeing, […]
Looking back over the last year’s achievements, reflecting on some of the ways that branches have found to sustain workplace learning after the loss of the Union Learning Fund, and sharing some great ideas to inspire you, this digital edition of ULearn magazine is a celebration of the work that UNISON learning reps, branch education […]
Online learning has opened the doors to all kinds of opportunities. If you’ve previously found it difficult to take part in training or education because of work or care commitments, or because of the financial cost, you might find that online learning sweeps many of those barriers away. But it can bring its own challenges, […]
With holiday season upon us, many of us are breathing a sigh of relief and taking a break before we look ahead to the rest of the year. And there’s plenty to look forward to this autumn. We’re continuing to expand our online learning offer for UNISON members and for UNISON activists. Free online learning […]
Pride Month may be over but for Collina Angus, UNISON learning rep at Loughborough University, equalities are a year-round passion. That’s something that she’s combined with learning to create a dynamic, engaging series of online events, inviting experts to share their knowledge with members at the university. She began last October with an event for […]