20 – 22 May 2025
It can be difficult to recognise when members have a realistic chance of proving disability discrimination and activists may lack confidence in this area. This course will give practical skills for discussing the matter with members and recognising possible cases. More generally, it will build skills of interviewing members and analysing evidence which can be applied to supporting members with any issues.
This course is aimed at experienced reps, who should be ERA accredited and have a basic understanding of employment law (for example, through having attended an Introduction to Employment Law course in their region). The course will be delivered over three consecutive morning sessions (9am to 1pm) on the Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd of May.
This course is suitable for any experienced rep, not just those who identify with or have an interest in a particular equality strand. Any rep may find themselves asked to deal with a case which turns out to have a discrimination element, and it is important to be able to recognise that and deal with it appropriately.
To apply, you must:
- Be an accredited representative and senior steward, convenor or branch officer
- Have previously attended an Introduction to Employment law course or equivalent
- Be able to commit to attending all of the above dates for the full session (9am – 1pm)
- Be prepared to spend approx. 1 hour on pre-course exercises
- Be prepared to spend approx. 1 hour on homework during the afternoon/evening of the first three days of the course
- Have agreed facility time (time off) from your employer to attend the full course if attending during working hours
- Be able to participate fully in the sessions, which are highly interactive
- Have agreement from your branch to attend
If your application is successful a charge of £180 will be made to your branch.
To apply, please complete and submit the following form: