7 May 2025 9:30am–1:00pm
This online half-day course delivered over Microsoft Teams is aimed primarily at recently appointed Branch Treasurers.
The course will show in detail how to use the union’s online branch accounting system (OLBA), including:
- Recording receipts and payments
- Reconciling bank accounts
- Putting the branch’s budget onto OLBA
- Producing reports for committee meetings and AGMs
- Making necessary year-end accounting adjustments
- Submitting the branch’s annual financial return.
Non-Treasurers who need to be able to use OLBA (eg Secretaries, Chairs, branch-employed staff) are also welcome to register for the course.
Participants will need to complete Module 1 (Introduction for new Branch Treasurers) and Module 2 (GDPR) in advance of this Module 3 session. You will also be given a case study to complete after finishing the course prior to working on your branch’s live OLBA records.
Module 1: a short introductory online module
The online module is an introduction to the the roles and responsibilities of the branch treasurer.
Module 2: GDPR e-note (20 mins)
The GDPR e-note covers the main data protection issues that you need to be aware of as a UNISON activist. It outlines the scope and requirements of the law and explains what you should do to ensure that you and your branch don’t breach the GDPR.
To access both the Introduction for new Branch Treasurers and the GDPR e-notes please visit; http://e-learning.unison.org.uk
If you have any difficulty logging into the e-learning site please contact; l.organising@unison.co.uk
Closing date for applications – 9th April 2025
To apply for a place on this course please complete and submit the following form: