Branch Welfare Officer Training May 2025

13 May 2025 10:00am–1:00pm

UNISON’s Branch Welfare Officer (BWO) training has two stages:

Stage 1: a short introductory online module (1 hour) plus GDPR e-note (20 mins)

The online module is an introduction to the BWO role. The GDPR e-note covers the main data protection issues that you need to be aware of as a UNISON activist. It outlines the scope and requirements of the law and explains what you should do to ensure that you and your branch don’t breach the GDPR.

Stage 2: an online course taking place over two half days: 13th and 20th May (both from 10am to 1pm)

With increasing strain on household budgets and finances, our BWOs need more than ever to be equipped to help members overcome the difficulties they face with practical advice and support. This training will help BWOs to:

  • Understand their role and the confidentiality it involves.
  • Develop influencing and communication skills and practice active listening.
  • Understand the ‘There for You’ UNISON Welfare charity structure and staff roles.
  • Understand the application process and areas where assistance can be offered to members.
  • Understanding the importance of promoting, publicising and fundraising for ‘There for You’.

Please note that completion of stage 1 is mandatory in order to attend the stage 2.

To access the e-notes please visit;

If you have any difficulty logging into the e-learning site please contact

Closing date for applications – 8th April 2025

To apply for a place on this course please complete and submit the following form:

Branch Welfare Officer Training 13th and 20th May 2025

  • If you don’t know your membership number please tell us your home postcode so we can find it for you.
  • There is a charge to your branch of £30 for this training. If you meet the minimum requirements to attend this course we will contact your branch so that your attendance can be authorised.
  • We will use this information to check your UNISON membership, to seek approval from your branch for your attendance on this course, and to send you course information. If we are able to offer you a place on this training, then you will receive an email from us with further information.
  • UNISON Learning & Organising Equality Monitoring Form

  • This section of the form is entirely voluntary; however your co-operation would be appreciated. UNISON gathers this information so that participation in education and training can be monitored. This allows us to identify where there are areas of underrepresentation and work with our colleagues in the wider union to address any barriers to equal access.
  • We appreciate that some of the categories below are limited, but within these constraints, please give the answer most applicable to you.
  • This information will be used to update your UNISON membership records and will be treated in the strictest confidence.