Cruse Loss and Bereavement Awareness November 2024

12 November 2024 10:15am–12:45pm

This online workshop is open to any UNISON members but is particularly useful for those who regularly deal with bereaved people in their work.  The session will reflect on the grieving process, seeking greater understanding of current models on grief that can help. It will also look at the impact of loss on families, individuals and the role communication can play.

The workshop is delivered by Cruse Bereavement Support on behalf of UNISON College. It will help participants to:

  • Gain a broader understanding of the grieving process by looking at current models and examples
  • Understand why people grieve differently and the factors that influence how they grieve
  • Explore the impact of loss and grief on individuals, friends, families and colleagues.
  • Improve knowledge of how to provide emotional and practical support to someone who is grieving
  • Understand how to communicate effectively and compassionately with someone who is grieving
  • Develop confidence in talking about difficult and sensitive topics.
  • Be aware of the impact of supporting someone who is grieving and how to look after yourself.

The session will be delivered online via Zoom on Tuesday 12th November 10.15am – 12.45pm. Places are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis.

To apply for a place on this session please complete and submit the following form:


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Cruse Loss and Bereavement Awareness November 2024

Email address(Required)
I confirm that I am a member of UNISON(Required)
This course is only open to UNISON members
If you don't know your membership number please tell us your home postcode so we can find it for you.
This course will be held over Zoom. Please confirm that you can access this platform on the above date.(Required)
Do you need any disability-related adjustments to help you participate in this course?(Required)
We will use this information to check your UNISON membership and to send you information about attendance. If we are able to offer you a place on your chosen course, then you will receive an email from us with further information.

UNISON Learning & Organising Equality Monitoring Form

This section of the form is entirely voluntary, however your co-operation would be appreciated. UNISON gathers this information so that participation in education and training can be monitored. This allows us to identify where there are areas of underrepresentation and work with our colleagues in the wider union to address any barriers to equal access.
We appreciate that some of the categories below are limited, but withing these constraints, please give the answer most applicable to you.
What is your date of birth?
This information will be used up update your UNISON membership records and will be treated in the strictest confidence.