Pensions and Pre-retirement Explained

4 June 2025 12:00pm–1:00pm

Online via On24

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This session is facilitated by an expert financial adviser and offers you the chance to explore the following topics:

  • How your pensions work, including state and workplace pensions
  • When you can take your pensions and how much you can expect to receive
  • Your options for accessing additional pension savings, including from previous employers
  • Ways you may be able to increase your income
  • Tax considerations, including your tax-free lump sum
  • Countering inflation: will your income keep its value in real terms?

This webinar is delivered by Quilter Financial Advisers, the trusted financial advice partner of UNISON. They are a leading financial business dedicated to helping you achieve your aspirations through expert financial planning.

The session will be held on Wednesday 4th June, 12:00 – 13:00 via Quilter’s learning platform On24.

To apply, fill in the form:

Pensions and Pre-Retirement Explained 2025

  • If you don't know your membership number please tell us your home postcode so we can find it for you.
  • We will use this information to check your UNISON membership and to send you information about attendance. If we are able to offer you a place on your chosen course then you will receive an email from us with further information.
  • UNISON Learning & Organising Equality Monitoring Form

  • This section of the form is entirely voluntary; however your co-operation would be appreciated. UNISON gathers this information so that participation in education and training can be monitored. This allows us to identify where there are areas of underrepresentation and work with our colleagues in the wider union to address any barriers to equal access.
  • We appreciate that some of the categories below are limited, but within these constraints, please give the answer most applicable to you.
  • This information will be used to update your UNISON membership records and will be treated in the strictest confidence.