Where will you go in 2023?

2022 has been an exciting year for us – seeing the launch of UNISON College at National Delegate Conference and the return of our own ULR conference to UNISON Centre, with the introduction of new courses for members and for activists, and the trial of a careers information, advice and guidance service (read on for […]

A good manager communicates well

It’s important to be able to communicate with others in all walks of life but these skills are absolutely vital for managers and team leaders. Whether you are already leading teams or a rising star UNISON College offers a self-directed online course for you to improve your skills.  Communication techniques for managers certification course from […]

A trade unionist reading list

A few weeks ago one of our UNISON learning reps asked us if there was a ‘reading list’ of recommended books with a trade union angle. Well, there wasn’t… so we asked on social media, and UNISON members, activists, staff, and allies all gave us brilliant suggestions. So here they are. As with any reading […]

Take a minute for taking minutes

Taking minutes is a skill that is exceptionally useful for many of us at work. Who wouldn’t want to have access to concise meeting minutes that provide a helpful record of the event?  It’s also a skill that definitely makes union activists’ life easier not to mention any clubs and associations where we meet others, […]

“I have no idea what I’m doing”, and other lies we tell ourselves

“We’re sorry, we’ve made a mistake….    …. you’re not the right person for the job. ” If you regularly imagine someone tapping you on the shoulder and telling you this, then you may well be experiencing the Imposter Phenomenon (note: over time it has come to be known as a syndrome, but it was named the Imposter Phenomenon by the […]

A bright future with the UNISON College

The sun has been shining in Brighton, and this week saw the formal launch of UNISON College at UNISON’s National Delegate Conference. One of the key promises of general secretary Christina McAnea’s manifesto, the College brings together the union’s diverse range of member learning and activist training provision in one coherent brand and builds on […]

Is touch typing a skill you need?

We’re spending more and more time with our keyboards writing emails, reports, letters, meeting minutes and more. And typing faster and without looking at the keyboard could actually save time. You can train your muscle memory, which helps your fingers remember where each letter is on the keyboard and with some practice you can be […]

What’s not being said: brush up your skills in reading body language

Eyes looking up or down? Crossing arms? Serious face? Purposefully low-pitched voice? It’s a fact that words are not enough, and we communicate with each other also using our bodies. Non-verbal communication covers a lot of things we don’t actually say out loud. First impressions matter and a smile makes others feel more positively about […]

Your chance to help shape the UNISON College

The survey has now closed. Thank you to everyone who responded to it. When our general secretary, Christina McAnea, stood for election, one of her key pledges was to establish a UNISON College to help members get the training and development they need for their personal and professional success and fulfilment. Over the past year, […]

Looking back, looking forward: ULearn 2022 is out now

ULearn is a celebration of the brilliant achievements of UNISON Learning – and it’s a celebration of the dedicated and enthusiastic people who make it happen. This year’s edition showcases the work that’s happened across the regions and nations of UNISON, showing how learning can be a force for change, justice and inspiration. Inside, you’ll […]