Online learning has opened the doors to all kinds of opportunities. If you’ve previously found it difficult to take part in training or education because of work or care commitments, or because of the financial cost, you might find that online learning sweeps many of those barriers away. But it can bring its own challenges, […]
online learning
Pride Month may be over but for Collina Angus, UNISON learning rep at Loughborough University, equalities are a year-round passion. That’s something that she’s combined with learning to create a dynamic, engaging series of online events, inviting experts to share their knowledge with members at the university. She began last October with an event for […]
Covid-19 continues to disrupt our daily life both at home and in work. We continue to need things to look forward to and help us manage what we are facing. In UNISON learning, we believe that education is one way of doing this – either by learning about what we face or strengthening our skills […]
Shahida Noor is one of the thousands of UNISON members who have taken advantage of our online learning offer from the Skills Academy. UNISON Learning and Organising Services’ Dan Simmonds asked her about her experience… How did you find out about the learning available from UNISON? I found out via an email from UNISON and […]
Our advanced employment law courses have always been popular, and we’re delighted to announce that we’re now able to offer an online version of the Disability Discrimination Law course. If that’s successful, we’ll be offering further advanced employment law courses online. A three hour refresher (for those who have previously attended the three-day classroom course) will take place in […]
The good thing with digital learning is that it offers some flexibility. So whether you are mobile, at home or on the go, you might just be able to find some time to squeeze in a few quick bursts of learning. You might also want to make contact with your learning rep, just in case […]
The coronavirus pandemic has prompted many workers to join a union, and many union members to step forward to take a more active role in their branch. If you’re one of those people – thank you! The more UNISON members who are confident being visible and active in the workplace, the more power we have […]
We are delighted to be able to offer a series of online learning workshops this summer from YGAM, the Young Gamblers and Gamers Education Trust, and Cruse, the bereavement care charity. YGAM’s online training sessions are designed to equip you with the knowledge and resources to inform, educate and safeguard the young people you work with about gaming […]
For many people, the months since the coronavirus pandemic began have been challenging, whether adjusting to a different workload or conditions at work, dealing with loneliness or money worries, or taking care of family members. We may have been struggling to operate a computer or tablet to join a video call, trying to help children with their maths schoolwork at home, or trying to explain something […]
In this coronavirus pandemic we’re seeing once more the importance of learning for people’s wellbeing and mental health. And UNISON learning reps have been adapting what they do and how they do it in order to meet that need. It’s important to think about your own development in your ULR role and to make sure that you […]