UNISON reps are the face of our union. Whether they’re stewards (workplace representatives), health and safety reps, or union learning reps, they’re the people who, day in, day out, do the work of making public service workplaces fairer, safer, and more fulfilling places to be. But our reps need to be confident in their skills […]
trained and active
Over the years, thousands of UNISON members have been supported and mentored into becoming active with the help of the Trained & Active Plan. Inexperienced members have gained the confidence and knowledge to speak up and become effective reps in their workplace. And now the Trained & Active Plan has been updated for a new […]
Branch education co-ordinators from all the regions and nations of UNISON came together on Tuesday 11 September to learn about new developments in trade union education, to discuss the training needs of activists in their sector, and to find out about the resources available to them. UNISON Education Officer Sarah Hayes affirmed that the role […]