Lyndsey Marchant, regional learning and development organiser in the North West, had received several inquiries from members about creative writing courses. So she approached Writing on the Wall, a Liverpool-based organisation with a particular focus on outreach and diversity. She explains, Working with Writing On The Wall was a natural fit: WOW is a well known organisation […]
UNISON north west
UNISON learning reps Jane Eyre and Beverley Herring from Blackpool Health branch, and Donald McCombie from Birmingham City branch, were recognised with awards at today’s Unionlearn conference for their efforts in supporting learning in the workplace. Donald’s activity as a learning rep has seen him running sessions for workers facing forced job transfer or redundancy, […]
When Learning at Work Week (LaWW) began on Monday 14th May, all eyes were on the mezzanine at Blackpool Victoria Hospital to see how union learning reps (ULRs) Bev Herring and Jane Eyre would be launching this year’s packed programme of events at ‘the Vic’. Expectations were high after dancing drag queens kicked off proceedings […]
Jo Southern, steward at UNISON Blackpool Health branch, has worked at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for 33 years as a healthcare assistant. In May 2017, she approached the branch’s union learning reps to see if she could get any help to improve her literacy and numeracy skills. They suggested that she attend assessment […]