Skills for Work advice and guidance

We are delighted to offer a free, personalised, careers advice service to UNISON members. To request your consultation, complete the form below and one of our team will get in touch with you with more information.

Careers Advice Expression of Interest

  • Please give us your home postcode, not that of your workplace or UNISON branch. This can be used to find out if you are eligible for any course funding in your area.
  • If you aren’t currently in employment please put N/A here
  • If you are currently retired or unemployed, please tell us the most recent role you held
  • For example - do you have a particular course in mind? Are you looking to develop your skills more generally? Do you want to pursue a new career altogether and need help on where to start?
    Please choose as many as apply
  • We will use this information to check your UNISON membership. Where appropriate, we will then pass the information on to Learning Curve, who will use your data to get in touch and to inform their advice. Your data will not be used for any other purpose without your explicit permission. By submitting this form you are agreeing that your data can be shared.
  • UNISON Learning & Organising Equality Monitoring Form

  • This section of the form is entirely voluntary; however your co-operation would be appreciated. UNISON gathers this information so that participation in education and training can be monitored. This allows us to identify where there are areas of underrepresentation and work with our colleagues in the wider union to address any barriers to equal access.
  • We appreciate that some of the categories below are limited, but within these constraints, please give the answer most applicable to you.
  • Any information given below is solely for UNISON use and will not be shared with Learning Curve or any other third party.
  • This information will be used to update your UNISON membership records and will be treated in the strictest confidence.