Please find below a selection of some online and distance training to enable you to continue to develop in terms of your work and your personal skills in management and leadership roles. Training and development is a great way to keep your brain active and your spirits up. The CPD focused courses we have compiled for you will stand you in good stead whether in your current area of work or if you are looking to develop your career in a new role. Most of these options are free and the others are discounted for you as a UNISON member. This list of courses is not exhaustive and many more interesting learning opportunities can be found with each of these providers on their individual platforms. However, these courses will give you a good starting point. You can also contact your local UNISON branch and regional teams to find out about local learning and development opportunities.
The Social Partnership Network and OpenLearn (The Open University)
Leadership and management
Free badged course: Starting Your Small Business
OpenLearn (The Open University)
Leadership and management
Early years teamwork and leadership
Leadership and management
Management and leadership: growing as a leader