Please find below a compilation of some of the online and distance training available from the Open University’s OpenLearn platform. These will be particularly useful to social care staff who are currently in support roles. Training and development is a great way to keep your brain active and build up your own self-worth and esteem. It can help you to focus on both your own personal and professional development. You may find these courses useful to support the work you are currently involved in or if you are looking to change roles and look for a new job in a new setting. Most of these learning opportunities are free but also look at some of the providers as they offer many other courses that are discounted for you as a UNISON member.
This list of courses is not exhaustive and many more interesting learning opportunities can be found with each of these providers. However, these courses will give you a good starting point.
You may also want to check with your UNISON branch and regional teams to see if any specific courses are being run locally to you.