Search Events, Jobs, News and Blogs, Pages tagged learning and organising

Organising to Win Webinar – Organising Space

5 February 2024 12:00pm–12:40pm
Online via Zoom

This is an Organising to Win Webinar on the Organising Space

Event on the UNISON National site.

Union Learning Reps – ULRs

A Union Learning Rep (ULR) is the person at work who helps their colleagues to access the learning, training and development they need for work and life. Making colleagues aware of the learning opportunities available to them, and ensuring they’re all able to get the training they need for their jobs and careers, is the […]

Page on the UNISON Cymru/Wales site.

Why organise through learning?

These include: Work / life balance Time off for learning is a key ingredient in improving the quality of our members’ lives, both in and out of […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

How to access lockdown learning

One of the benefits of your UNISON membership is access to a whole host of free training and education

How to, Magazine on the Magazine site.

Learning for organising, organising for the future

The last few months have seen record numbers joining our union – members we’re glad to welcome. But we know that becoming a member is only half the story. If UNISON is to continue to grow and organise we need more active members to take up an activist role – if you’re interested in finding […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Coronavirus: online learning update

New resources available for health and safety reps and care workers at our dedicated site

Article on the UNISON National site.

Supporting our reps and members online

Our online new stewards’ course is supported by both a TUC tutor and a UNISON learning and organising staff member. We will be there to support you, especially if you've not […]

News on the UNISON National site.

Meet the new Lifelong Learning team in Southampton District Branch

Helen Capstick, ULR at Solent University I have been a member of UNISON since 2011 but have become more active in recent years when I took on the role of Union Learning Representative (ULR) at Solent University. I became a ULR as I wanted to use my skills to develop more informal learning sessions for […]

Article, News on the UNISON South East site.

ULR Carol Wilkinson talks helping members overcome barriers to learning

How long have you been a member of UNISON? I  became a UNISON member 14 years ago when I started working in my daughters’ school as both teaching assistant and midday supervisor, when I moved to EDF Energy I transferred my membership and I was able to be more involved with helping our members within […]

Article, News on the UNISON South East site.

Mindfull to Mindful Colouring Lunch & Learn

One of our brilliant SE Union Learning Reps recently ran a “Mindfull to Mindful Colouring Lunch & Learn” – read their account here: “My first lunch and learn session as a URL was for a colouring session linked to Mindfulness and mental wellbeing. I arranged for 2 sessions on consecutive weeks to give those attending […]

Article, News on the UNISON South East site.