UNISON College Member Learning Newsletter


To receive updates on UNISON College events, courses, workshops and other member learning information, please join our member newsletter using the instructions below

1. Sign in to your MyUnison account

2. Click on My Details

3. On the menu on the left of the screen click on Personal Details

4. In the about you section, click Edit

5. You will then be taken to the edit personal details page. At the bottom of the page there is a Contact Consent section.

6. Click the opt-in option for UNISON College Member Learning, then click Save (see below image)

This will mean you are signed up for our member newsletter and will receive the next one via email.

NOTE: if you are a new member you will be auto-opted in.
To unsubscribe
If you do not wish to receive the newsletter, follow the above instructions and click Opt Out then save