A range of courses intended to encourage members into activism, and to help the UNISON branch become better organised and more efficiently run.
Pathways into UNISON
Pathways into UNISON is a two-day course that helps women members to explore the possibilities of getting more involved in the union. It gives an outline of the way the union works and invites women to explore their own skills and how they can use them.
Mentoring in the UNISON branch
This course introduces the principles of mentoring and puts it in the context of the UNISON branch. Participants will gain an understanding of what mentoring is, practise key mentoring skills including listening and questioning, and consider regional and branch mentoring strategies.
This course is run over one or two days.
Digital organising
This suite of five online workshops has been designed to introduce concepts of organising and campaigning in a digital context. They can be delivered together or as standalone modules. Sessions include:
- Social media tools
- Engaging digitally: taking meetings online
- Campaigning in a digital world
- Organising online
- Staying safe online
Short organising workshops
These workshops, developed for delivery in branches, vary in length from half an hour to half a day. Click here to download a summary of UNISON College workshops. Speak to your regional education officer or organiser if you wish to run any of these in your branch. Alternatively, contact LearningAndOrganising@unison.co.uk for copies of materials if you or another activist wish to deliver them in your branch.
Political education workshops
These workshops, developed for delivery in branches, vary in length from half an hour to half a day.
Click here to download a summary of UNISON College workshops. Speak to your regional education officer or organiser if you wish to run any of these in your branch. Alternatively, contact LearningAndOrganising@unison.co.uk for copies of materials if you or another activist wish to deliver them in your branch.
Social media
This course is aimed at Branch Communications Officers and other branch officers who are interested in using or finding out more about social media.
It will help participants:
- To develop knowledge about the range of social media
- To increase confidence of branch communications officers in using social media
- To debate the pros and cons of social media use
- To apply a strategic approach to using social media as part of branch work
- Develop a social media action plan.
Find out about courses in your region
Photo © Jess Hurd/reportdigital.co.uk