UNISON College offers a range of advanced employment law courses, organised nationally and delivered online via Microsoft Teams.
These courses are intensive and designed for trained & active senior reps who already have a sound understanding of employment law.
To be eligible to attend any of the following you will need to:
be an experienced steward or branch officer who regularly deals with casework; and
have a good basic knowledge of employment law (through having completed Introduction to Employment Law or an equivalent course)
Advanced discrimination law courses
We offer a series of courses exploring the application of the Equality Act 2010 and other equality legislation for and members’ rights at work. The courses are built around discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics. The schedule for 2024 is as follows (Follow the links for details and to apply):
- Wednesday 7th February – Sexual Orientation Discrimination Law
- Thursday 4th April – Gender Identity Discrimination Law
- Tuesday 21st to Thursday 23rd May – Disability Discrimination Law
- Wednesday 3rd July – Sexual Harassment Law
- Monday 8th July – Religion and Belief Discrimination Law
- Wednesday 18th September – Race Discrimination Law
- Tuesday 12th November – Age Discrimination Law
- Tuesday 19th November – Sex Discrimination Law
These courses are suitable for any experienced rep, not just those who identify with or have an interest in a particular equality strand. Any rep may find themselves asked to deal with a case which turns out to have a discrimination element, and it is important to be able to recognise that and deal with it appropriately.
While each of the courses addresses key principles of discrimination law, they explore the specific nuances unique to each area.
As outlined above, this programme of advanced law training is only appropriate for experienced reps with some prior training in employment law.
Contracts, Redundancy and TUPE
This course helps activists gain a good understanding of contracts of employment and members potential rights when facing redundancy. It will enable activists to recognise relevant legal issues when dealing with casework, campaigning and negotiating. It also covers unilateral variation of contract in the context of changing contracts; redundancy and TUPE. It does not cover unfair dismissal in the areas of capability and misconduct.
This course is particularly intensive and applicants will need considerable practical employment law and case work experience to participate.
Follow the link below for details of the next schedule session:
Advanced Law – Contracts, Redundancy and TUPE March 2024
UNISON College can deliver an introductory level course in redundancy and TUPE law for less experienced reps. This is scheduled based on demand. If you’re interested please let us know at l.organising@unison.co.uk