Monday 13th May marks the start of Learning at Work Week, a week dedicated to celebrating and promoting the importance of learning in the workplace.
The week, organised by the Campaign for Learning, takes place between the 13th and 19th of May, and this year’s theme is Shaping the Future.
Branches up and down the country are delivering activities during the week including menopause workshops, history walks and sign language courses. Our regional teams and union learning reps will be working hard running stalls to promote all kinds of learning activity in the workplace for both members and non members, making Learning at Work Week the perfect activity during May’s #GoForGrowth campaign.
We know that 46 per cent of non union members join a union after participating in union learning activity, and over a third of union members who participate in workplace learning go on to be more active in their own union, but taking part in learning itself has loads of benefits for the individual too from increased happiness and wellbeing to providing more opportunities for in work progression and promotion.
To see what’s going on during the week, follow @unisonlearning on Twitter and tag us into your activities #LearningAtWorkWeek