UNISON learning reps Jane Eyre and Beverley Herring from Blackpool Health branch, and Donald McCombie from Birmingham City branch, were recognised with awards at today’s Unionlearn conference for their efforts in supporting learning in the workplace. Donald’s activity as a learning rep has seen him running sessions for workers facing forced job transfer or redundancy, […]
union learning representatives
Delegates gathered to discuss the future of learning at a fringe meeting of UNISON’s national delegate conference in Brighton last week. And the winning entry of our first ever writing competition was revealed. Judges Genevieve Clarke (The Reading Agency), Andrew Jennison (UNISON learning representative, De Montfort University), Kathleen Jowitt (UNISON staff member and award-winning author) and […]
UNISON Southampton District branch and Solent University teamed up to celebrate Learning At Work Week in a delicious way. The university’s Nutrition Lab was opened up to around fifty UNISON members and non-members, who had the chance to try out some recipes, learn some facts about nutrition and find out how much sugar goes into […]
When Learning at Work Week (LaWW) began on Monday 14th May, all eyes were on the mezzanine at Blackpool Victoria Hospital to see how union learning reps (ULRs) Bev Herring and Jane Eyre would be launching this year’s packed programme of events at ‘the Vic’. Expectations were high after dancing drag queens kicked off proceedings […]
UNISON is delighted to be a champion of the first ever National Numeracy Day – which takes place on 16 May 2018. Nearly half the working age UK population have the numeracy skills that would normally be expected of a primary school child. The average cost to individuals with poor number skills is £460 per […]
In his years working with UNISON member learning at Birmingham City branch, Donald McCombie has organised a huge range of creative activities. In this blog he talks about that. I have always believed that within the membership of UNISON there lies a vast wealth of creativity. Mostly people are just lacking the opportunity to use […]
Learning At Work Week is an ideal opportunity for union learning reps and other UNISON activists to promote learning in the workplace, to raise the union’s profile, and to start conversations about training needs with the employer and with colleagues. It can also be a lot of fun! Co-ordinated by the Campaign for Learning, it […]
A few months ago we reported on the apprentices learning network that had been established in Poole Local Government branch. At the 25 Years of Learning ULR event we had the chance to hear from the apprentices themselves as well as ULR Pete Stratford who was instrumental in getting things off the ground… As part of jointly working as […]
Delegates at UNISON’s annual conference for union learning reps (ULRs) celebrated the union’s 25th anniversary year with a programme that explored the past, present and future of learning. General secretary Dave Prentis spoke about UNISON’s proud history of learning, inherited from the three founder unions and developed and strengthened over the last twenty-five years. The […]
Last week, union learning reps (ULRs) from across UNISON gathered to share their experience and generate new ideas in promoting reading in the workplace at our Stepping Up workshop. They came from sectors including local government, healthcare, further education, and police and justice. Some had run the Reading Ahead challenge in their branches; some had […]