Cutting the cost of learning with UNISON

It’s back to school season! If shop displays of stationery and shiny black shoes are putting you in the mood to learn something new, you might well find that being a UNISON member puts you at an advantage. Members are entitled to discounts on all sorts of courses, from short and sharp to full degree length, […]

Getting to grips with GDPR: what you really need to know

What were you doing in May? You might have been booking accommodation for last-minute visitors to National Delegate Conference. You might have been putting the finishing touches to a Learning At Work Week celebration. And you were almost certainly wading through an inbox full of emails from organisations you support, or from companies from whom you […]

UNISON Learning launches new partnership with e-Careers

UNISON is delighted to announce a partnership with e-Careers that will allow our members to claim a discount on online courses across a whole range of subjects, from accountancy to web design. Visit the e-Careers site For countless numbers of our members, the way to improved career prospects is through learning, whether they want to […]

An introduction to apprenticeships: UNISON’s new e-note

UNISON has launched a new online training module to introduce activists to the topic of apprenticeships. Following the story of ‘Josh’, a fictional apprentice, it explores the obligations on the employer, the rights of the apprentice, and the opportunities for UNISON. It will provide you with some essential information about UNISON’s approach to apprenticeships, give […]