With holiday season upon us, many of us are breathing a sigh of relief and taking a break before we look ahead to the rest of the year. And there’s plenty to look forward to this autumn. We’re continuing to expand our online learning offer for UNISON members and for UNISON activists. Free online learning […]
employment law
Our advanced employment law courses have always been popular and aim to supplement the range of training offered at regional level. These courses are aimed at experienced workplace representatives, who should be ERA accredited and have a basic understanding of employment law (for example, through having completed an Introduction to Employment Law course in their region). […]
Following the success of our online refresher and full length Disability Discrimination Law courses, we’re delighted to be able to offer an online course on Contracts, Redundancy and TUPE law in the new year. This course will be delivered over four morning sessions: Thursday 11 February, 9am-1pm Thursday 18 February, 9am-1pm Thursday 25 February, 9am-1pm […]
Our advanced employment law courses have always been popular, and we’re delighted to announce that we’re now able to offer an online version of the Disability Discrimination Law course. If that’s successful, we’ll be offering further advanced employment law courses online. A three hour refresher (for those who have previously attended the three-day classroom course) will take place in […]
We have a calendar of great learning events lined up for you this autumn. Take a look – there’s something for everyone! For branch education co-ordinators… For the first time ever, we’re holding a seminar to bring branch education co-ordinators together from across UNISON. This is a chance to network, to find out what’s new […]